Sunday, January 13, 2013


But now I want to talk to you on the cast tvd, more characters to topic.

The cast of "The Vampire Diaries" is growing uncontrollably, and mostly to blame for this crowd of guest stars. We would like to pay tribute to those who can, and did not become our family, but who, after being in Mystic Falls, forever changed some of our heroes, and left (or, more likely, were killed).

Bring to your attention a few favorite characters to stay in the series:

Anna and Pearl Anna became one of the most long-running of the time the characters in the stories, and even DV died, was able to return as a ghost. Think, why? Because she was gorgeous. And it was all over Mystic Falls vampire more powerful (and more beautiful) than Pearl (this was before there was Claus).

Lexie: Best friend Stephen was the best. We not only love her, but because of it we are even more loved Stefan simply for the fact that he is her friend.

Bad parents: Choosing between John Gilbert, Bill Forbes, Abby Bennett and Kelly Donovan. Unreliable (and sometimes outright awful) parents in the "Diary" has always aroused the interest of ... and left with a broken heart.

Mason Lockwood: It was sexy. He loved Tyler. He was sexy. We will always miss Uncle Mason.

Katherine: No one picks plans Salvatore brothers so brilliantly, as does the Queen of intrigue. Catherine fun and ruthless, and we never know for sure, it will play a good girl or bad. Here it helps, but in the next moment harm - and every time we are intrigued by her seemingly selfish motives.

Rose: We loved Rose when she helped Helen with sacrifice, love, when she helped Damon ... Ehh, Humble. We also loved her hair SICK.

Andy: In many ways, Andy was the perfect girl for Damon (while he could not be with Elena). She helped with his mahinatorstvami, always came when he needed her, and knew that underneath it all lies alluvial normal guy.

Meredith: At first we had doubts about the purity of her intentions, but in a relationship with Alaric Meredith proved a beautiful girl, and after he died, helped recover a bit Damon. By the way, Where was Miss Fell?

Elder Family: Rebecca Cole, Finn (RIP), Esther (RIP), Michael (RIP), Elijah and Klaus (although to date the latter is hardly a time) in the light of any other beat intrigue ran for a couple of series character. Moreover, their accents ... awesome.

Connor: Connor with his insanely awesome tattoo showed up in town, ready to join in the game. His broad knowledge of the traps, bombs, naverbenennye gloves and muscles always aroused interest: that Connor uchudil next?

Haley: It's definitely created a sensation with the sacrifice of hybrids ...

Professor Shane: I think we need to recognize Shane's most intriguing "guest" character in the fourth season. What does he know? Even so - that he does not know?

April: Will the daughter of Pastor Yang more than just vozdyhatelnitsey Matt and his girlfriend Rebecca? Only time will tell.

So, who's your favorite episodic character? Have your say below!

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